The North Central Florida Local Emergency

Planning Committee (LEPC) presents

Safety Street Project Florida District 3 -- North Central Florida LEPC


Hazardous Materials Spill Prevention

Tuesday, March 30, 1999, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Center, 1028-D NE 14th Street

Off NE 8th Ave and Waldo Road, behind Citizen's Field


Presentation starts at 7:00 p.m.

Moderator Chief Richard Williams
Florida's Risk Management Program Eve Rainey
Why Safety Street? Charles Pults
Gainesville Regional Utilities Doug Prentiss
PCR, Inc. Keith Baucom
Gainesville Fire Rescue Jeff Tucker
Using Risk Management Plans Dwayne Mundy
Closing Comments John Hudson



Local Emergency Planning Committee, Gainesville Fire Rescue, Alachua County Sheriff's Office, Florida Division of Emergency Management, PCR, Inc., Gainesville Regional Utilities, PCS Phosphate - White Springs, Florida Manufacturing and Chemical Council, QST Environmental, Jones Edmunds & Associates, Gold Kist Poultry, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Gro More Farm Services, University of Florida, and others...

"It's not about facilities... It's about communities"

Many facilities are working with the LEPC to share risk management information with surrounding communities and to increase activities to prevent releases. For additional information, call LEPC Senior Planner Dwayne Mundy at (352) 955-2200 ext. 108, email


Note: The Safety Street Project is being funded through donations from facilities that are required to develop Risk Management Plans under Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act. The development of a risk communications model is being partially funded through a grant from the U.S. Environmental protection Agency which is being administered by the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council.